Hands on stomach

myHoneyBump simplifies pregnancy so you can stay informed and organized

Get access to pertinent pregnancy information broken down by healthcare professionals and a custom checklist to manage your pregnancy.

Why choose myHoneyBump?

As parents, we know how overwhelming pregnancy planning can be. That’s why we combined all the information that helped us most to create one, easy to accomplish, interactive checklist. Our information is compiled by healthcare professionals and our sources are always available for further reading.

Pregnancy Checklist

Pregnancy Checklist

Explore things like what tests to expect, when to announce pregnancy, and when to start sleeping on your left side.


Read pregnancy FAQs and get totally prepared before setting foot in the delivery room.

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What our users are saying:

"I had no idea I should have been doing some of these things in my first trimester!"

-Jessica O.

"I wish myHoneyBump existed before my first baby. Then I would have known what to expect before going to the hospital for my induction."

–Michelle M.

"It has everything I wanted to know about pregnancy. I saved so much time using myHoneyBump and I feel confident that I’m doing things right for my baby boy on the way."

–Lynn H.

If it's free, how are you able to provide this content?

In the future, myHoneyBump will make money through advertising and affiliate link marketing. We would never endorse a product that we wouldn’t use ourselves. When you purchase a product recommended through our site, we may receive a portion of those profits.